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Heat pumps for aquatic centres

12 October 2021

To assist councils and other operators, A2EP together with Local Government Procurement and Regional Development Australia Sydney hosted a webinar on 12 October 2021 to brief council officers on the opportunities and challenges of implementing heat pump technology in aquatic centres. As well as technology outlines, the webinar included presentations from two Australian councils which have and are about to utilise heat pumps in their aquatic facilities, including the all electric, zero emissions Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre in Victoria.

This webinar was presented as part of a project for which A2EP received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government, and the Australian Government does not accept responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.

© 2023 - The Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity

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