About Future Heat
This resource was created to increase industry awareness, knowledge and capacity for utilising technologies currently available for decarbonising process heat.
Australian industry accounts for 44% of the nation’s end-use energy and 52% of that is process heat, with an indicative value of $8 billion per year(1). At present, heat is predominantly provided by gas combustion with coal the second biggest source.
To achieve decarbonisation targets on a least-cost pathway, utilise renewable energy generation and increase energy productivity overall, Australian businesses need to begin the transition to technologies that most efficiently deliver industrial heat.
Already there are commercial, proven industrial heat pump and thermal battery technologies that can supply required process heat as well as the energy reliability and flexible to maximise renewable and demand response benefits.
Breakdown of final energy consumption in Australia. Source: Renewable Energy Options for Industrial Process Heat, ITP Thermal 2019.
The below video from the International Energy Agency's Heat Pumping Technologies website illustrates how heat pumps, in conjunction with thermal batteries, are a great solution for decarbonising heating and cooling, particularly in industrial processes.
This website was created as part of a project for which A2EP received funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of its Advancing Renewables Program.
The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government, and the Australian Government does not accept responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.
Behind Future Heat
The Future Heat website was created by the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2EP), an independent, not-for-profit coalition of business and research leaders helping Australian businesses pursue a cleaner and more successful future by producing more with less energy.
1. ITP Thermal Pty Ltd (2019) Renewable energy options for industrial process heat
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